03: Formational Body

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

(1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV)

Date: 55 AD
Writer: Apostle Paul

The Context

In this book, Paul is writing to the church in Corinth to address sin. It is evident that he has spent time with the community. There are a variety of social and historical matters in 1st century Corinth that concern Paul.  Mainly, the city is a "thriving melting pot where social mobility and economic opportunity fostered vigorous competition in the marketplace of goods, ideas, and even physical prowess." So, these factors are causing a divide withing the Christian community. In response, Paul advocates for unity.

The Book
Paul also writes to Corinth to address sin in the community. The story arc focuses on mending the body (of their Christian community), glorifying God in the Body, gathering as a community, and affirms the resurrection of Jesus. Freedom was a hot topic in that community, as many slaves freed from the Roman Empire settled in Corinth, and such freedoms had evolved into moral and ethical immorality. Paul writes to address the idolatry by emphasizing God's wisdom and His unfolding plan of salvation. For Paul, "the death and resurrection ultimately stand together as witness to God's decisive victory for all of creation."

The Text
Within Verses 19-20, it is clear that Paul is concerned with "bodily existence" - how we live in our bodies in daily life. These two verses remind the Corinthian community (and us) that a new life in Christ means that their "bodies are members of Christ." For Paul, the notion of the body finds its fullest expression in Jesus' sacrifice. So, to participate in anything unholy corrupts "not just the human flesh but the body [of Christ], which is the 'temple of the Holy Spirit'."

The Relevance
This text is a guiding light within the formational journey because it instructs us of the deep, transcendent holiness of our bodies, as they are a gift from God. It also emphasizes that we have been bought with a price, so "belonging to Christ precludes all other affiliations."  We are instructed to glorify God in our bodies, as "glorifying God is one way of affirming humanity's central responsibility." Within the formational journey, it instructs us on how we are to live and move in daily life by choosing healthy practices and avoiding anything that may bring dishonor to God.

The Witness
In the "Formational Mind" blog, I shared that I went to work at a law firm after I closed my business. It was a bit of culture shock for me because I had to get used to being an employee "on the clock." But, after being there for a while, I really started to appreciate the environment. I was inspired, even. I noticed that the lawyers were really disciplined. One attorney, in particular, had a large, healthy salad everyday for lunch, no exceptions. There was a gym in the building, and many of them would go workout during lunch hour. So, I figured, why not join them! (To be honest, the gym had a steam room in the women's locker room, so initially it was more like my daily spa hour, but I eventually made my way to an elliptical.) At least I was in the space! They all had what I've come to know now as a "rhythm of life," defined by healthy choices and sustainable daily practices. After a while, some of that discipline started to rub off on me.

God is orderly. When He created in Genesis, it was systematic. So, once my daughter landed on a solid sleep schedule, and I began to have a bit more energy, I became very intentional about my health and healthcare, and established my own daily routines and rhythms of diet, exercise, water, vitamins, sleep -- all fueled by a desire to honor my body, and honor God's creation.


Attridge, The HarperCollins Study Bible
Gaventa, The New Interpreter's Bible One Volume Commentary
Harrelson, The New Interpreter's Study Bible
Powell, The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary


02: Formational Mind


04: Formational Soul