Spiritual Formation is the “process of being shaped by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ, filled with love for God and the world."

— A Call to Spiritual Formation, 2009

"Spiritual Formation in the tradition of Jesus Christ is the process of transformation of the inmost dimension of the human being, the heart, which is the same as the spirit or will. It is being formed (really, transformed) in such a way that its natural expression comes to be the deeds of Christ done in the power of Christ."

— Dallas Willard

"Christian Spiritual Formation is defined as an interactive process by which God the Father fashions believers into the image of his Son, Jesus, through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit by fostering development in seven primary life dimensions (spirit, emotions, relationships, intellect, vocation, physical health and resource stewardship.)"

— Diane Chandler

"Spiritual Formation is a rather general term referring to all attempts, means, instructions, and disciplines intended towards deepening of faith and furtherance of spiritual growth. It includes educational endeavors as well as the more intimate and in-depth process of spiritual direction."

Gerald May

"Spiritual Formation is our continuing response to the reality of God’s grace shaping us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit, in the community of faith, for the sake of the world."

— Jeffrey Greenman

"Spiritual Formation presents opportunities to enter into the center of our heart and become familiar with the complexities of our own inner life. It requires taking not only the inward journey to the heart, but also the outward journey from the heart to community and ministry."

— Henri Nouwen

"A key aspect of spiritual formation is developing a heart of gratitude, recognizing all that God has done for us. ‘Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

— Leighton Ford

"Christian Spiritual Formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and for the sake of others." (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

— Portland Seminary

"Spiritual Formation is a process, but it is also a journey through which we open our hearts to a deeper connection with God. We are not bystanders in our spiritual lives, we are active participants with God, who is ever inviting us into relationship with him."

— Renovare

"Christian Spiritual Formation is the redemptive process of forming the inner human world so that it takes on the character of the inner being of Christ himself."

— Richard Foster

“Christian Spiritual Formation is the holy mystery that unfolds in your life when you ask God, with every cell in your being, to reveal your Kingdom purpose here on earth.

It is not a closed-ended question - it is open-ended. Within the answer, the Holy Spirit will reveal who is supposed to be in your life (and who is not), where you need to be, when you need to be there, why you need to be there, how to do the work that you are being called to do in any given season, and your direction for seasons to come.

Throughout the journey, your inner world will be transformed so that your heart's desire will be to live more like Jesus.

And, it is all for love.  When you realize just how much God really does love you, the natural response is to love Him back, love others more, and serve the Kingdom of God.”

— Darcy Lynn Shepherd